Gwyn Parry-Jones

Gwyn has been involved in continuing education, at various institutions and in various capacities, for over 40 years. Music is his subject, and is at the centre of all his work, so his extensive professional performing experience as conductor, instrumentalist and singer feeds in to his work, as do his years as a university head of department.

He has been involved in adult education at many institutions, including the universities of Manchester, Reading and Oxford, and at independent bodies such as West Dean, Dillington House and Arts in Residence. He also enjoys very much giving pre-concert talks, for example at The Hawth in Crawley, or for Anvil Arts in Hampshire.

“My aim is to help to bring about a deeper understanding and appreciation of music - while striving to avoid jargon and mumbo-jumbo!”

Upcoming courses with Gwyn Parry-Jones…